I wrote a letter to Council on May 3, in reaction to the potential removal of Steve Smith from the Planning Commission (PC).  Here’s what I’ve learned since then. We don’t have all the facts. We oughtn’t have a hearing without them all. This will take time. We should know the truth about things before drawing foregone conclusions. Postponement would give Council and Staff time to consult with Legal and draft and enact policy and protocol for behavior and disciplinary actions if needed. I see that we need to back further than April’s meetings to understand the full trajectory of the last two years.

On the same day of Steve’s hearing, there’s also a hearing on PC’s recommended greatly-increased vacation rental cap numbers that shocked and angered so many of us. It would be wise to postpone Steve’s hearing until we see the results of the PC recommendation – who recommended the increased caps? What will Council do with PC’s recommendation – especially as concerns Orcas and Eastsound UGA, which took a HUGE hit and still carries the brunt of the load. All PC meetings are recorded and searchable. See the agenda for Tuesday – items 2 and 4.

I asked in both letters that Steve’s removal hearing be dropped from the Agenda for the 17th for the above-mentioned reasons. I hope Council will NOT vote on the 17th- that they’ll continue the hearing while they digest Public input – both on VR caps and on Steve’ hearing. We all need proper time to learn what’s true, gather Public Records, and educate ourselves – as well as encourage Council to consult their own Legal and write sound policy so they can’t be sued. 

Let’s find out what has happened over this past 2 years, in the midst of covid lockdowns and economic, physical, and psychological damages and hardships for our community. We don’t have all the data yet. We need it, because FACTS will give us the truth.

I took the ball and ran with what Steve and another individual told me, without verifying anything with Cindy or with the person I vilified unjustly; David Williams – Erika Shook’s replacement as director of DCD. That was sloppy, lazy, and irresponsible of me. I know a lot more now about the Comp Plan Review process, which is 6 YEARS behind schedule. How did that happen? We need all the facts. Who’s responsible for these kinds of delays? Who sued, and why? How does that affect us all? Admittedly, that leaves Steve in a tough spot if they go through with his removal – which is why I wrote in the first place. That said, there is a much bigger, interconnected picture to all of this. We need to know what that is, first and foremost.

I wrote a second letter to council on May 11, apologizing for my wrong-headed assumptions about David, and also to ask that they draft and adopt some formalized, written, transparent way to level complaints against any planning commissioner or volunteer on any advisory board. Steve had outlined one protocol for the way to go about any complaints or intent for disciplinary actions or removal. I think we need more: We need a way for Council to receive complaints while protecting any whistleblowers. We need warnings to be given in written form – not by phone – in a step by step process;  maybe probation would be part of it with removal as the final step if necessary. This would be fair to all parties and guide our steps.

 I have a good relationship with Cindy Wolf. I was distressed to watch the April 19th council meeting where she asked to have a hearing for Steve’s removal; I do not know her to be rash. Now that I understand more of the complexities affecting the Comp Plan review process, I empathize with Council’s wish to have the Comp Plan done by this year’s Work Plan deadline in July. It’ will take another year (2023) for DCD to make the regulations and policies supporting the Vision. David Williams was handed a huge task – to finish the comp plan elements by the deadline so that they can finalize it in fall and start working on regulations and policy in Jan. 2023. They have to start this entire Comp Plan Review process over in 2025! That’s a lot of pressure.

Regulations and policies ought to follow the vision, but the way things are going, being 6 years late really backs DCD and Council into a corner, as concerns The GMA. We have no good way to take care of environments that are crucial to our water quality, among other things like nearshore protection and salmon recovery. If we don’t uphold the Environmental element and make meaningful policy and regulations to protect it, we’ll forever lose our rural character and quality of life. We will lose even more right to protect these things in the future; they are already so badly eroded.

We can’t afford to gloss over or weaken protective and fair regulations if we want to plan how we grow, and truly assess how much the tourism and real estate industries are impacting us. It’s not hard to see how. Eastsound UGA and the obscene proliferation of VRBOs and seasonal homes here, along with all the road projects tearing up our town and our trees – here- where we can least afford to have more deforestation happen in a wetland watershed, or our workers pushed out. The Ferry issues. People are leaving due to lack of affordable housing, effectively exiling and eradicating our middle class – all these are perfect examples of Things Gone Wrong.

How to give incentive for doing right by the environment and quality of life not just for the rich, when some continue to repeat-violate it? That’s where meaningful regulations enter. They protect the rest of us and our ecosystems from repeat violators who’ve gotten away with the harms caused for decades.

We need to have all the facts and get to the bottom of things. Who did what to whom, when, and how does that affect us all? Why might these things be grounds for removal of someone – or not? Everything should be documented in written electronic retrievable form; recordings, emails, whatever.                                                                                                            A

Archive it all and make it transparent – make timeline graphs of these trajectories. I’m sure citizen volunteers would be glad to step up to help collect and compile these data. Otherwise it’s just more hearsay and misinformation fomenting more division. It’s an inconvenient truth that those who who really have the power are not the politicians. I’m interested in knowing who really runs this County.

It’s time to efficiently and effectively finish the comp plan elements so we can set meaningful policies and regulations. I hope it’s a last resort to remove any advisory committee member, including Steve  – unless they are clearly obstructing the process for their own self-interests or financial gain. Again, facts gathered would help us see what really happened that’s not based on hearsay, but rather, on actions. We must go a lot further back than the April PC and Council meetings to understand all of this.


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