— from Bea vonTobel —

To the Superintendent and the Board, OISD

During the board’s deliberations and discussions on what to include in the ballot measure for the upcoming November vote and its attendant costs, it seems only logical for me to write about my own thoughts and approach to these same items. This letter will serve as my own outline for responses to the possible proposal from the district.

First, remember that you will have a majority of new membership on the board as a result of the fall election. They will be tasked with refuting or supporting what the current members propose for the citizens to consider. It would be helpful for the current board to consider their plight and allow them time to garner the support of the public as the district moves forward, and not subject them to inheriting a defensive mode from the get-go.

So, here are the specifics:
The total thrust of my argument(s) will hinge on one factor: needs v. wants. To gain the support of the electorate, it seems a major reason for the bond’s latest defeat struck a chord with voters on this very issue. Support for the library and the fire department questions were well-presented and were documented with measured reasoning. Inclusion of the track, even with <50% funding toward its completion, seemed to strike the public as a want, not a need. Perhaps holding the donation for the future, and instead asking for funding to refurbish the current facilities so as to provide adequate and safe facilities might be the better choice—especially if the funds requested could be kept at the $1.3M level from the defeated bond proposal.

The May board meeting emphasized the vast support for two items: reconstruction of the high school parking area. That’s definitely a need, and has wide support already. The second item was the modification/repair of the current HVAC system at the high school. And, as was made clear at the board meeting, no matter whether the bond had passed or not, the high school will be cold again this winter. But the reassurance that the engineering and cost projections are already underway and will be completed during the following summer will give the public the information that this board has made significant progress to attending to this need.

From the original wish list, the completion of all items needed to bring the old gym to a safe, useable and lasting condition is high on the list for the community, as it appears to be one of two sentimental and widely-used venues in the district. The items on the list which would bring the old gym to its useful life would be supported, in my opinion. The other building of concern, NSMilton, has items of need which should also be addressed in this bond, and would be supported.

Kudos to the board for moving ahead on the electronic doors and using leftover funding to complete this item. Kudos also to the district on making improvements to the administration building. These may stem the tide of deterioration for the time being, but this building needs to be replaced with a more efficient structure, but this current iteration is not the time to do that. Its future, and that of the portable behind it, should be combined into one district-useable structure down the road.

So now comes the rest of the proposal. The board and its consultants need to take a careful look at the rest of the original list, the items that were on the February vote, and decide what needs should be put on the ballot for this go-around. For the incoming board members, it would be easier to run on supporting needs v. supporting wants, and for departing board members, it would reassure the public that they do have the interest of the public at heart to propose something they can walk away from with well-founded support.

I have no secret agenda. I am still opposed to the track for all the same reasons as I outlined in my previous writings, and will reiterate those reasons should the facility appear again on the ballot. I have no budget or platform on which to forward my positions except for the free press. I do have the desire to see the district succeed in its mission, which furthers the wise investment by the community in its tax dollars for the betterment of education.

I offer my support in ways that might prove helpful.