Editor’s Note: please see: https://theorcasonian.com/shoreline-comments-due-today-shoreline-form-a-hoax

Dear Council Members,

I became aware last week that the deadline for submitting a review of the Shoreline Characterization Report was due on Monday April 30, 2012.

As I waded through the documents at the library and then had a disk sent to me from the community development and planning department and reviewed all 39 maps I wondered if anybody else was having as much trouble as I was. It was very frustrating to discover that the county employee in charge of this was on vacation, so there was no one to help me.

I met with around fifty people at the Orcas Fire Department last Wednesday night only to discover that none of them had any idea about this review let alone that a report was due on Monday. I shared with them on how to find their management areas and their Reach area and the importance of checking out the maps to see if they were an accurate reflection of their property. The next day I received numerous emails and phone calls asking for help.

I have not talked to one shoreline property owner that knew anything about this. Something is wrong with the communication from the county to its property owners on this important issue. I am requesting that the deadline be extended to a later and more appropriate date this summer so property owners can participate in this important issue.

Leith Templin