— from Steve Vierthaler, San Juan County Sheriff Retired Sergeant —

I am asking all to please support Ron Krebs for Sheriff.

For those of you who do not know me, I am a recently retired sergeant from the San Juan Co. Sheriffs Office having served for over 35 years. I served the county under four different sheriffs including the current one. I supervised both the Orcas and Lopez sheriffs sub-stations. I am still in contact with most of the sheriffs deputies and am up to date with the current issues with in the department.

During the last election for sheriff I asked all who knew me to vote for the current sheriff. I was wrong. I thought I knew him well as he had worked for me as a deputy on Lopez and I felt he would move the department forward in a positive direction. Instead, what I and most of the other officers found was a lack of communication, lack of direction, lack of follow up and a lack of understanding in how the sheriffs office employees work and interact with both each other and those they serve.

During the 1st year of the current sheriffs term I realized the department was changing and not going in a positive direction. The other sergeant as well as the Under Sheriff also felt the same and we believed the department was headed into turbulent times. Our input was not asked for and did not appear to be wanted.

Recently the Sheriffs Guild which represents all the employees except the Sheriff and Under Sheriff voted to endorse Ron Krebs for the next sheriff. This speaks volumes about the current state of the department, and is a very critical statement by the employees.

Ron Krebs is a dedicated officer with current knowledge of Community Oriented Policing, a vital part of law enforcement within our community. He has served with honor in the military and has management experience in the private sector. He knows and understands the special needs of this very unique place we live in.

I have spoken at length with Ron about all the issues and concerns within the department and I believe that Ron is the right candidate to lead the San Juan Co. Sheriffs Office. The deputies and dispatchers need our help. Therefore I am asking each one of you to please vote for Ron Krebs as the next Sheriff for San Juan County.

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