Washington – Normally, elections clear the air, bring new faces to power, offer the dawn of a new day,  a fresh beginning, and an opportunity for political healing. Not this year.

Whatever the final vote-counts, the electorate has rendered a split and potentially crippling decision. The scarring schism of polarized America, of two warring camps with passions inflamed on both sides by Donald Trump, has produced a sharply divided government – a Democrat headed for the White House, a re-entrenched Republican Senate – that may prove incapable of governing together and resolving the nation’s most urgent issues.

We are today a wounded nation. We have suffered through four years of a train-wreck presidency that has left our body politic broken, bruised, and bleeding, and our political institutions sorely riven, damaged, and in desperate need of emergency care.

Yet even as we try to hobble forward, President Trump has tried to throw us into reverse, salting our wounds with his corrosive smearing of the integrity of the vote count. With an animal instinct for the impending humiliation of his defeat, Trump callously put his personal interest above the nation’s need to heal and move on.

1992:  President Bush-1 Offers to Help His Victor

Contrast that with the last time an incumbent U.S. president lost his race for re-election. That was 28 years ago…

READ FULL ARTICLE: http://reclaimtheamericandream.org/2020/11/have-we-just-crippled-washington/


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