— by Learner Limbach —

What seemed on election night to be sort of a blue ripple has actually shaped up to be an impressive blue wave, with many more races going the way of Democrats in the days after the election. Currently it looks like Democrats will flip between 35-40 House seats once all the votes are tallied, the most since the 1974 election following Watergate. Democrats also reclaimed 7 governor’s mansions and over 300 state legislature seats. Republicans on election night seemed poised to gain a net of 4 seats in the Senate, but now that seems to be down to only 1-3 with several races still too close to call. This really WAS a blue wave. And while all the results are not even finalized, already there’s a lot of debate going on among the left about who contributed more Democratic Party gains; moderate democrats or the progressive wing of the party.

I want to throw out there that there would have been no blue wave had it not been for all the energy and hard work by EVERYONE on the left. As we prepare for the next election cycle, I want to thank everyone for whatever you contributed, and this includes those working within the Democratic Party and those working on the outside. Whether we agree on approach or not, one thing we agreed on going into the midterms was the need to end Republican control of all branches of government, and the need to not allow our country to spiral into fascism. While the internal struggle on the left has been fiercely contentious ever since 2016, we managed to all work together enough to come out of the midterms with a lot to be happy about. There is so much more work to do to get where we want to be, and there are sure to be heated policy and messaging debates within the left going forward.

There’s a tendency to think our way is the only way forward, and I’m as guilty of this as anyone, but I think that it’s possible to have vastly different views on strategy without losing our ability to work together. When we dehumanize and alienate each other, we isolate ourselves, and we damage our chances of winning and making people’s lives better, which I think at the end of the day is what we all want. There isn’t much of a pause between the midterms and the next cycle. In fact its already beginning. I want to take this moment and to say thank you. Someone told me recently that everyone has a piece of the truth, and that is something I will try to remember as we embark on the next leg of the journey.

Learner Limbach is Democratic State Committeeman for San Juan County

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