By Joan Stamm

I’ve never recommended a book through a public forum like this before, but I feel very strongly about this book and its author, so I hope you will read on.

A family member recently underwent a double mastectomy at the Mayo Clinic in Arizona.  Her oncologist recommended the book, Anticancer: A New Way of Life by David Servan-Schreiber, MD, PhD.  The book was so compelling, her father-in-law bought copies for everyone in the family.  Several of us read it cover-to-cover.  We agreed that this book had the potential to radically change our nation’s health if only we followed the doctor’s suggestions.  It was that amazing.  It turns out that many others agree.   Anticancer is the #1 best-selling book on cancer in the world.

If you are like me, you know several people who have, or had, cancer; or who died much too young from cancer.  Perhaps you are fighting cancer yourself and feel powerless to affect the outcome.  The suggestions in this book could save your life, or at the very least prolong it.  All of Dr. Servan-Schreiber’s suggestions for diet, exercise, meditation and therapy are backed by countless scientific studies.  His premise is that we already know a great deal about what causes and cures cancer.  You can watch a great little pitch and synopsis of his book on YouTube.

My family member is recovering.  Her cancer had not spread so she didn’t need chemo or radiation.  She was very lucky.  And perhaps by living the healthy lifestyle suggested in Anticancer she will remain cancer free and see her two young children grow to maturity and beyond.

The Mayo Clinic is world renowned for quality research and integrative medicine.  I trust that if they recommend a book on how to fight cancer, they believe it has information of great merit.  Don’t wait until you get cancer.  Order a copy of Anticancer: A New Way of Life from your local bookstore.  And pass it on.