“Taking our Gray Heads to the Streets”

It started with an online correspondence between Sheila Gaquin‎ of Deer Harbor and Sharon Abreu of Vusario:

from Sheila Gaquin to Sharon Abreu: You and Mike have your thumb on the civil actions that are taking place around the major issues of the day. I, and several of my grandmother-ish friends, are tired of just writing checks to liberal candidates and environmental and social action organizations. We want to take our gray heads to the streets. Could you post info about up-coming actions, particularly about climate change and resource extraction, ahead of time so we can gear up, show up, and stand up for a sustainable future for our grandchildren? (We’ll keep writing checks, but we want to do more than that.)

Sharon Abreu in reply to Sheila Gaquin: -Thanks for this request! I will endeavor to do this. In addition, I want to share with you a very inspiring and energizing website created by Hedrick Smith: https://reclaimtheamericandream.org.

Also, I would love it if you follow my Irthlingz Facebook page and the website www.irthlingz.org.  Have you thought about becoming a Raging Grannies group? They have a lot of great parody songs which go over great at outdoor happenings.

One more thing I highly recommend is the Environmental & Social Responsibility Amendment (ESRA) to the U.S. Constitution proposed by one of my favorite organizations, the Network of Spiritual Progressives. You can check it out here: https://www.spiritualprogressives.org/esra.

And one thing you can get involved in is gathering signatures for two initiatives we’re trying to get on the Washington State ballot this November, I-735 to get the big money out of our elections, and I-732 for a revenue-neutral tax on carbon pollution. If you’d like to help with that, let me know.

The initiatives can be found at https://www.carbonwa.org and https://www.wamend.org

Sharon Abreu can be contacted at sharmuse@gmail.com or by phone at: (360) 376-5773

Who knows where it can go?

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