— by Knute Berger, of Crosscut.com

Maybe it’s because I have frequently been accused of looking like Jerry Garcia. Maybe it’s because I went to Evergreen and people often assume I have a stoner’s proclivities. Maybe it’s because I came of age in the late 1960s — a generational thing.

For whatever reason, I have been trying to escape marijuana for a long time.

My age and look — beard, often longish curly hair — suggest that I must have serious experience with pot. This is not the case. I don’t smoke or consume it, hardly ever did even back in the day. Yes, there was teen dabbling and some college toking, but the truth is, I never liked being high. It turned out I was more of a tobacco and alcohol guy, Old Golds and Rainier beer.

I was passionate about writing in my adolescence, and drugs just seemed to get in the way. I remember once in a high school poetry class, I shared my work and everyone, including the teacher, was impressed. A classmate pulled me aside afterwards and said, “You only write that good because of drugs.” The fact was, even in high school, I was drug avoidant and it enraged me to think that others thought my creativity came from a bong.

(To read the full editorial, go to crosscut.com/2014/07/11/mossback/knute-berger-just-another-stoned-hippie?)

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