To Quilt!

— by Ed Sutton —

She left me! I’m HOME ALONE. Just me and the dogs. Now what? I don’t even know how to cook. And that is only the half of it. There may be as many as 60 other older guys in the Orcas community that have been deserted, … home alone!!

What gives? Well, for the 19th year, the Orcas Quilters are having their four day retreat at the YMCA Camp. Can you imagine! Sixty or more ladies from Orcas and beyond sewing beautiful quilts which often are on display at the local banks and elsewhere. Over the years, the Orcas quilters have provided Comfort Quilts to neighbors in need during periods of convalescence.

Every year since about 1998, ladies have traveled to Orcas for this retreat from their homes in Alaska, Montana, Oregon and California. This year, Jan McCorrison’s sister has traveled from North Carolina to join in the retreat. Can you imagine? Sixty sewing machines, whirring away in a constant din of activity. It is like a sweat shop for grandmothers. The creativity at the retreat is truly amazing. After four days of frantic sewing, the results are gorgeous.

So, here I am, home alone. At least the beer is cold at The Lower, and I can watch those Rambo movies that my wife hates so much. Where shall I go for dinner tonight? Are there any hot dogs and beans leftover from two nights ago? Does anyone know how to boil water?

At least I know that, after watching reruns of “NCIS” and “Blue Bloods,” I can curl up in my bed, warm and snug, under three beautiful quilts made by the wonderful ladies of Orcas Quilters.