— by Barbara Bedell, Orcas Fire and Rescue District Commissioner —

Chief O’Brien has given both the Commission and the public
excellent reasons to support both the budget and the proposed levy, ranging from a substantially increased call volume, an aging population, rising insurance and medical benefit prices, facility repairs, and increases in the cost of equipment to keep the volunteers safe. If we want to maintain the high level of service that most islanders have come to expect, if we want to continue the amount of training to support that level of service, if we want to keep our outstanding cardiac survival rate, if we want to provide adequate reporting and administrative needs for the volunteers, then we must spend money to do so. I would hate to see Orcas residents faced with a situation that happened in San Diego this past summer when a family brought its two-year old child who was choking to the fire station on its block. The station was closed that day for budget reasons, and it took 9½ minutes for a paramedic to arrive. The child did not survive.

I trust Chief O’Brien. I trust him to be concerned about the budget and the levy and their impact on property taxes. I also find the budget and the levy reasonable and not padded with extra, unnecessary expenditures. I agree with a comment made by a member of the public who stated at the last commissioners’ meeting that he is an “extreme fiscal conservative” who had “looked at the budget and found it hard to find what to cut without a significant reduction of quality of service.” We need to look at the present time but also the future as Chief O’Brien pointed out in his presentation. I would not want this Commission to leave the Department facing a $4,000,000 shortfall in ten years. I believe that would constitute fiscal irresponsibility.

I would like to see the levy pass the first time out. There are a substantial number of people on Orcas who are supportive, and we should give them the opportunity to do so. This Commission needs to be unified in regard to the levy, and I hope we can reach that point of consensus.