— by Dr. Rosie Kuhn —

Susan Osborn regales visitors at the pop-up shop on North Beach Road

Susan Osborn regales visitors at the pop-up shop on North Beach Road

Six weeks ago, the kayak shop on North Beach Road shared an idea with a couple of artisans: Perhaps they would like to take over the kayak store for the holiday season, as a boutique, seeing that virtually no one was adventuring out on kayak tours this time of year.

“Why not!” Was the response from Ginny Lu Wood and Carol Anderson, and the Kayak Boutique pop-up shop was born. Upon entering into this anomaly of a store – kayaks hanging from the ceiling and original jewelry and accessories for home and body adorning the walls, I experience wonder – how did all of this come about in the twinkle of an eye?

Ginny Lu, sitting behind the counter, sharing a thought for the day from The Daily Word, is a wonder-full being in herself. Her heartfelt presence holds space for the ongoings of this menagerie of minute events.

Susan and Carol sit at a small table, originally meant to display their work, but they came to find that it’s a perfect place to create, while kibitzing about the latest unfolding on our little Island. Not gossip, by any stretch of the imagination. These women are loving, kind beings, and this is palpable the moment you walk into the shop.

The resonance of love, joy and magic abound in this overcrowded yet spacious little store. People are either drawn to the ineffable quality of being, which they experience while still outside the door, or the passersby are unaware of the magic that is happening within feet of where they are standing. It’s rather like the train station, Platform 9 ½, in the Harry Potter Series. It’s there; but, unless you are ready and open, that porthole is invisible.

There isn’t even a whisper of malice or attack within these four walls. What there is, is love. That love is the essence of every creation, and the essence of every word shared among the three women and the people who walk in, oblivious to the fact that their lives are about to be touched by angels.

Sometimes, Susan will break out in song, Carol will fall on the floor in deep, reverent laughter, and you’d swear, when you leave that you have just been to church, you feel that good. What resides in this space is love. And love heals all. The generosity of spirit is pure. The gifts of presence to every individual, the recognition of the love that resides in all of us, is sparked – just by stepping across the threshold.

These three women are very clear that the creation of this boutique was not of their doing, but a Divine request of them to show up here, now, for however long, until it’s time to close up. They are as amazed with wonder as any of us, and stay present to what is called for, only this moment.

I visit the shop every day, and sit for a while, sometimes engaging in conversation, and sometimes just witnessing what I’ve never witnessed before in any retail space. “Welcome! Come, and let us enjoy your presence.” Perhaps it’s part and parcel to small Island living, but this is so much more than that.

Okay, so I’ll just come out and say it: They are giving away love, for free, for no reason – just because! Sure, it is a retail store, and yes, if you discover that special, OMG something for someone or for yourself, well, that’s the icing on the cake. But these three women are love, they are not doing love, and there is no greater joy on earth than to be a participant in the love that is given and received, all within an instant. This is definitely a different form of retail therapy.

I share this experience with you in hopes that you too might be refreshed and renewed and delighted by love’s presence in all the little nook-and-cranny pop-up shops. I wish for us all the innocence of wonder that resides everywhere always, for in this state of being, miracles of love abound and never go unnoticed.

Dr. Rosie Kuhn is a personal and corporate coach and the author of Self-Empowerment 101; The Unholy Path of a Reluctant Adventurer; and You Know You’re Transforming When…..