By Ken Brown

“Humbly aware of his or her integrity.”

“Generous in deed and service to others.”

“Inspired by and dedicated to his or her passions, patient and respectful of others; resilient and resourceful in adversity.”

These words not only describe the criteria for the Jon Abbott Odd Fellow’s award, but also embody the substance and character of the Odd Fellows here on Orcas Island. Recently our Odd Fellows provided two $1,500 awards to graduating Orcas Island School District (OISD) seniors: Breena Benthin, from the OASIS High School Program, and Dylan Holmes of Orcas High School.

After the delightful surprise gifts in memory of Jon Abbott, our islanders were reminded of the good works and philanthropic ventures of Orcas Island Odd Fellows.

Jon Abbott, a six-year member of the Odd Fellows, was concerned that emerging young adults deserve a boost to further their dreams. Jon, his wife Linda and his sister Ann, did not want this gift to be based solely on academics. Abbott stated, “We look for young adults of good character, outstanding in their expression of nurturing community well-being.”

Since 1881, The Odd Fellows objective has been to improve and elevate the character of man. The Odd Fellows hold these words as a “way to raise consciousness and to take part in the evolution of mankind,” stated George Post. Way back in 1881, the Odd Fellows Hall served as a community meeting place. Its membership provided badly needed social services, not yet in place.

Today, Odd Fellow members still offer islanders assistance where social services leave off. Some of their good works include providing continuing educational opportunities, splitting and delivering firewood to families in need, offering affordable space for special events, they assist families with moving, construction of access ramps and long history of Community Thanksgiving Dinners.

“We parade a lot,” stated George Post.

“We are a conduit and a source for networking on our island! All a brother needs to do,” stated Barry Neville, one of the current Noble Grand leaders, “is to bring the problem to our brotherhood and a plan of action is created to assist in any way possible.”

The Odd Fellows is a rare group among men, because the group serves the needs of the whole individual. They are all about taking action as primarily a service organization. However, they are particularly interested in the spiritual and emotional health of their members. They nurture themselves first, and then they have the strength to provide assistance and support to the community.

“Friendship, Love and Truth” is the Odd Fellows’ motto. They are always on the lookout for opportunities to support the spirit and passions embodied in the dreams of Orcas Islanders. After all, they could be future Odd Fellows.

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