By Bob Jarman

A recent letter implied my campaign is “hiding” behind the Trust Islanders political action committee.

If we are “hiding behind Trust Islanders”,  somebody forgot to tell us! The ”Vote Bob” campaign started a year ago with myself, my wife, and four friends (two Democrats and two Republicans) sitting around our table trying to figure out how to run a campaign. A few months later, we were building a float for the 4th of July Parade with our whole family chipping in….sisters, brothers, children, grandchildren, in-laws and out-laws (10 Democrats, 6 Republicans among the adults!).

Now, we’re at the end of the campaign. I have maintained since the beginning, at every forum, every debate, and any time I’m questioned, that I am an independent, non-partisan candidate. I have always voted my conscience. When I walk down the street, I do not see Democrats or Republicans or Independents. I just see ISLANDERS!

Trust Islanders has not contributed any money to our campaign. We just recently wrote, put together and mailed out letters to every voter in the County. We have spent money every month on advertizing, signs, and other expenses. All have been paid for from our campaign fund or from our personal account.

I do not hide behind Trust Islanders, but I do walk beside them and all other Islanders who are trying to find reasonable, responsible solutions in our quest to maintain and protect our rural island communities.

Next time you have questions regarding my campaign, why not just ask me instead of just assuming? My door is always open, and I’ve had a phone number in these islands for 38 years!