There are some crazy political hat tricks going on during this special county election season. Are you watching?

First we had the Republican Party quietly disappear themselves in a full-on fit of “non-partisanship.”

Then the 3 candidates that the Republicans would ordinarily promote everywhere, have now also disappeared their own campaigns behind something called “Trust Islanders.” Who?

“Trust Islanders” now has all the money, pays for all the ads, sends out all the mailers. They are now the instant, and only, opposition to the council candidates endorsed openly months ago by the local county Democratic Party.

Who are these Islanders We Should Trust? They are a new local PAC: a brand new political action committee. You can check them out for yourself on the Public Disclosure website:

You will learn they are primarily five very large donors, representing primarily only San Juan Island, and that most all of the “Trust Islanders” donors previously gave to various state and national Republican candidates.

See this hat? Look what I have in here. Now, watch this, it is really something else entirely. Now, look over here.

I don’t think county voters are that dumb. I just hope they remember to vote. Soon. The 23rd is the last day to get your ballots in.

Lee Sturdivant, Friday Harbor