By Marilyn Gresseth

As chair of the local Democratic Party Organization, I would like to correct the erroneous belief of some members of the voting public that the San Juan County Democratic Party has donated to certain candidates for County Council in the April 23 election. This is NOT TRUE. The local Democratic organization has not given any money to any candidate. Moreover, the local Democratic organization has not spent any money in any local campaign for this council race; either for mailings or advertisements. We do not have any plans to do so before this election.

I can categorically state that neither the Washington State Democratic Party nor the National Democratic Party have donated any time or money to our local council races. In fact, I doubt that the National Democratic Party even knows that we are having county council races now.

For those who want to know who has contributed to any of the County Council races and to the political action committee, TrustIslanders, you can go to the Public Disclosure Commission website at

Marilyn Gresseth is Chair, San Juan County Democratic Central Committee