By Rick Hughes

I first announced my run for San Juan County Council on May 3, 2012. I decided to run because I felt it was the right time to make a difference. I honestly felt (as I do today) that an independent, moderate position in community government would enable sound decisions that would best represent the majority of people across all the islands.

My heart is with the young families working 2-3 jobs to squeak out a living because this is a safe home for their kids; the retired person on a fixed income attempting to maintain a home; and the small business owner struggling to make payroll and provide a real wage job for their employees.

Since May, I have not sought endorsement from any political party or special interest, actively fundraised or engaged in any dialog that attacked my opponents. I have tried to self-fund the majority of my campaign and worked hard to spend the money raised in a responsible way.

I am grateful to those who speak in favor of my candidacy. However, there are those who claim to support me, but who do not necessarily support my desire to be independent, to be non-partisan, to focus on ideas, and to represent the widest possible range of constituents. I have not sought support from any organizations because I do not want to compromise that independence.

Independence allows me to make decisions that I believe are best for our county. It means that I hear the reasonable voices of every individual, and no organization’s own mission will drown them out.

I have run my campaign the way I’ve wanted to — as an independent — so I will be able to serve all islanders with an open mind and heart. I greatly appreciate the support from all islanders and look forward to continuing to represent your interests.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

The following quotes are from my first press release last year and still reflect my views:

“Our community is at a crossroads, with many tough decisions ahead. I fear that we have taken a path away from community and towards self-interest. We need to be able to live together, even when we disagree. To settle our differences in a civil fashion and strip the anger away and repair our amazing sense of community.”

“The secret to the long-term success of the San Juan Islands lies in all of us…and the re-establishment of small-town community values. The future will be bright for our wonderful island home if we all reach inside deep and work together to move community forward.”