||| from the Office of Governor Jay Inslee ||

“We have lost one of the greatest American patriots to ever serve on the U.S. Supreme Court. Ruth Bader Ginsburg was so much more than a judge; she was one of America’s greatest champions for justice, in the truest sense of the word. Trudi and I are devastated.

“Justice Ginsburg leaves an enormous legacy of advancing women’s equality in American jurisprudence and upholding reproductive rights. She fought to preserve the Voting Rights Act and enshrine equality under the law for the LGBTQ community on the Court. In a career as a litigator fighting for equal rights for women, she repeatedly overcame gender-based discrimination in the service of others facing oppression.

“Justice Ginsburg was a public servant who kept America true to its purpose. She never shied away from vigorously dissenting when the Court set back the course of justice. Her career over the decades inspired countless others to join the fight for equality. Generations of Americans, from those who fought at her side for decades to young people inspired by her guts and brilliance, will remember her as a folk hero.

“I have faith that no matter what happens next, Justice Ginsburg’s legacy will have reshaped America forever. We should all raise our voices to make sure her last wishes are met: Her seat should not be filled until 2021.

“I believe the voice of the American people will be heard to make sure we will honor the life, the career and the legacy of Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

“As she once wrote, ‘The greatest menace to freedom is an inert people; that public discussion is a political duty; and that this should be a fundamental principle of the American government.’”