Ballots are not affected


San Juan County has three issues in this year’s primary election. Friday Harbor voters will vote in a runoff between three candidates for Mayor, with the top two vote-getters moving on to the general election in November. Lopez voters will vote on two measures: an EMS levy and a Lopez schools capital levy.

The Good News: For the first time, voters will receive a printed local Voters’ Pamphlet for the primary election. Historically, the County has mailed voters’ pamphlets, shared with the state, for only the general (November) election. Effective with the 2021 primary, voters will receive local voters’ pamphlets for all elections.

The Bad News: The County’s elections printing and mailing house inserted the wrong pamphlets in with the ballots. Lopez voters received the Friday Harbor Voters’ Pamphlet, and Friday Harbor voters received the Lopez Voters’ Pamphlet.

Well, darn. The printer will be mailing the correct Voters’ Pamphlets to voters on Saturday, July 17. But if you’re in a hurry, you can also find the voters’ pamphlets online at under Current Election; or stop by our office at 55 2nd St., Friday Harbor to pick one up.

Note that this error affected only the voter pamphlet, not the ballots. All ballots were sent to the correct precincts and addresses.

Please contact the Elections Office with any questions, at (360) 378-3357 or