Julie and Artha Kass

Orcas Islander Artha Kass has started a GoFundMe campaign to provide housing for her daughter Julie (who lived on Orcas for 3 years) in Seattle. Please read the following narrative and consider how we can keep one of our own from being homeless.

“Years ago our beautiful Julie was a bright, vivacious, joyful young woman in love with life. Since then some early poor life choices and illness have left her suffering from seizures, neurological and brain damage, memory loss, anxiety/depression disorder, bipolar disorder, and numerous physical problems. She’s surviving moment-to-moment and doing the best she can—a good person who has faced some bad breaks with courage, but she is overwhelmed by circumstances that aren’t her fault and are out of her control. She is unable to hold even a menial job, as she is unable to focus or follow through with simple job responsibilities. And she is about to be homeless.

“Her only resources are welfare of $198 per month plus $200 in food stamps. She gets some additional food from the local food bank, and Medicaid pays for her psychiatric care, prescriptions, and a welfare therapist, who is searching for additional assistance of any kind. She is unable to pay her $750/month rent in Seattle and will be forced out of her apartment and onto the street in a month. She is terrified, and we fear for her life if it happens.

“We are a small group of Julie’s family and friends, who have given all they can over the past year to keep her safe. At this point there is not enough left to pay next month’s rent. There are no other resources. We are desperate for your help to keep Julie housed until just one of the avenues we are pursuing comes through as a more permanent solution. There are possibilities, but bureaucracy moves slowly, and none will come soon enough.

“A hearing for federal disability is scheduled for 10 months from now. She is on lists for all affordable housing opportunities in Seattle, Skagit, and San Juan Counties. Wait lists for most are 5 years; one may open up in 3 years. We call each of the housing authorities every week to check for openings. We are working closely with both Seattle and San Juan County social workers to seek both short term emergency help and long term help she will need to secure suitable care into the future.

“But for now we just need to keep her off the street, where she simply cannot make it on her own. Please help us to do that. We hope to raise $20,000, which will keep her safely housed for 2 years. If anything remains after we have found a long term solution, it will be donated to help the homeless. Please, please help us.”

Go to https://www.gofundme.com In the Search box type in ‘Julie Kass’ or ‘Artha Kass.’

Mark Mayer wrote: “There is plenty of money in the world to help people in need! Really! Most, but not all, of us in the U.S. have enough. More than enough if they spend what they do have wisely. But there are others who do not have the capability to ‘earn’ their way, so they are left behind. ALL people are valuable and this should not happen in a place with so much wealth.”

Mom Artha Kass says, “I am already overwhelmed with gratitude for the kindness, caring and generosity surrounding me. We do feel there is hope for Julie and will do all we can to make that hope a reality.”