From the Orcas Island Park and Recreation District

The Orcas Island Park and Recreation District will present its first ever spring tune-up event at Buck Park. The “Spring Wheelie Dealie” on Saturday, April 20th from 10AM – 3PM will feature all things wheeled. We are hosting a skate park clean up, a bicycle tune-up, helmet fitting, bicycle swap meet, music, and pinwheel treats to eat and make.

Wildlife Cycles will be volunteering their time to show riders what they need to do to get their bikes in shape for summer riding. Filling the void left by the Exchange, this year we will have a bicycle swap meet. Bring your outgrown bicycles to trade up to one just your size. We will also offer helmet fitting for both bikers and boarders.

Orcas Park and Rec needs volunteers to help with getting the skate park back in shape for the spring/summer season by clearing out some of the blackberries and patching concrete cracks. We need helping hands, brooms, and concrete patching skills to fix up the park.

To liven up the festivities there will be music, nice spring weather (if we have any say in the matter) and pinwheel treats! Volunteer crafters will be on hand to show you how to make your own “Wheelie Dealie Pinwheels” for your summer garden.

Orcas Island Park and Recreation District is currently leasing Buck Park from the School District. The Districts are working to transfer full ownership of the park to Orcas Park and Rec by the end of the school year.

If interested in volunteering at the event, contact Orcas Park and Rec by emailing Hope to see you at the park on April 20th.