Do you want to find out if you come from kings or scoundrels?  Was your family on the Mayflower?  Are you related to the person sitting next to you at the Genealogy class?

Explore these questions and others without having to leave Orcas.

Genealogical research is getting easier and more accessible all the time since so many records are currently available online. It can, however, be hard to know where to begin.  To simplify the process, Kathi Ciskowski is offering a class at the Orcas Island Library called “Getting Started in Genealogy and Family History” on Saturday, March 16 from 12:30 to 4.  The featured database will be which is free from inside the library. This database provides information ranging from state and federal censuses to immigration and naturalization records.

In addition to you will learn about many other websites that can be accessed safely from home without paying a fee.  Also included are organizational and research safety tips.

Sign up for this course at the Orcas Island Library at 376-4985 or in person.  The $15 fee is payable at the first class. Included in the fee are handouts and the cost of using the library meeting space.  Bring a laptop computer if you have one.  Because this class is focused on online research it is important to have basic computer skills. Pre-registration required and the class size is limited to 12.

Call 376-4186 for more information or send an email to