Please join the Orcas Island Garden Club on Wednesday, January 15th when we welcome Linda Gilkeson to speak about how global insect populations have crashed over the last coupled of decades and why this matters for our food supply, a healthy environment, and the future of wildlife.

Linda Gilkeson earned a Ph.D. in Entomology from McGill University. She has extensive experience as an entomologist, including working for the provincial government of British Columbia promoting programs to reduce and eliminate pesticide use and as Executive Director of the Salt Spring Island Conservancy. Linda now devotes her time to writing, teaching and consulting. Linda will present to us via Zoom but we welcome you to join us to view the presentation and then enjoy social time at the Orcas Center.

The presentation will begin at 10 am at the Orcas Center and will be followed by social time. The presentation will also be available via Zoom. For a link to the live Zoom presentation, please visit the Orcas Island Garden Club Events and click the link below the list of presentations. The presentation will be recorded. To watch the recorded presentation, hover your cursor over Events and select Recorded Presentations. Please note that the recording will only be available to view for four weeks after it is posted. Garden club presentations are free and open to the public.


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