— from Justin Paulsen for the Orcas Booster Club and Mike Buckner, Senior Class Advisor–

Thursday- Boys Soccer Senior Game. 2:15 game time. Seniors honored at Half time.

ALL are invited to the assembly on Friday at 1:15 in the high school gym. The classes have been working hard on their lip sync performances and it will be an entertaining time.

Homecoming Parade and bonfire at the village green. 5:30 pm. Chili from Chef Zach and Hotdogs from the Booster Club. Free to any Viking Fans. $20 each to Concrete Fans.

Saturday- THE Homecoming Salmon BBQ at the Football Game. BBQ starts at 1:00, game at 1:30. Honoring Seniors for their final home game before the game at 1:15. Salmon BBQ is $15, or $12 if you are a Booster Club pass holder or ASB member.

Don’t miss ANY of the action!

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And live-streaming is available at this link: https://m.ustream.tv/channel/orcas-viking-sports