— from Emilie Gincig for The Funhouse Commons —

The Funhouse Commons is happy to announce that the “Packs for Kids” program will be extended through the summertime in partnership with the Funhouse Commons. The school district is partnering with the PTSA, Orcas Island Food Bank, Island Market and Funhouse Commons to provide this service. We need help in identifying children who would benefit from the opportunity to pick up easy-to-prepare food and snack bags from the Funhouse weekly. Bags will be available to pick up MondayFriday at the Funhouse, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. This program is available to all K-8 students.

Please let us know if you would be interested in having your child participate in the program. Your child’s name will be held in strictest confidence.

We hope this is a helpful service to our community and to your family.

DONATIONS are much needed and greatly appreciated, at any time throughout the summer. Items include: individual cereal boxes, granola bars, applesauce, pudding or fruit cups, cup of noodles, cheese/cracker pack, and brown grocery bags. Cash donations are also extremely helpful.
Please contact Emilie Gincig, assistant program director at 376-7177 or emilie@thefunhouse.org if you have any questions.