— from Nicole Spinogatti for Orcas Funhouse Commons —

The Funhouse is offering an interactive course called Parenting Wisely. Designed by family and social scientists to help parents with tips and tools to parent their children in different situations, this program has the COVID seal of approval as all content will be online.
It is FREE of charge to interested parents. Two courses will be offered:
● For parents of children 3-11 years: Thursdays July 23 – August 27
● For parents of children 11 years plus: Tuesdays July 21 – August 25
These weekly, hour-long Zoom meetings will connect you with a facilitator and other Orcas parents taking the course. Currently, the Funhouse will be polling parents who express interest to determine time of facilitated meetings, so while the dates are set, the timing will be determined over the next week as we speak with families.
Contact Trillium Swanson at trillium@thefunhouse.org with questions or to register.
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