Saturday August 6, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Zane Youngren & Mack Shane hold up the "solar death ray."

The first ever Funhouse Eco Fest & Solar Science Fair! EcoFest is a science-based event celebrating local sustainability, renewable energy and island eco-living. Featuring booths and exhibits, local experts, live music, hands on activities and more!

Prizes, activities, and education demos all day long!

Topics and Demonstrations include:

  • Renewable energy technologies (PV, wind, microhydro, solar thermal, tidal power, biomass/biogas, and more…)
  • Energy awareness, efficiency and conservation – educational displays & activities, innovative products and services
  • Organic farming, permaculture, aquaculture, livestock
  • Transportation – Electric and hybrid vehicles, alternative fuels, biodiesel, sail and human power
  • “Green Living” and “Green Building” designs, ideas, techniques and products
  • Recycling, ‘Up-cycling’, re-use and waste reduction
  • “Homebrew” solar science experiments and displays of DIY technology and energy projects
  • Appropriate technology of all types
  • Water use, conservation and rainwater harvesting techniques
  • Locally produced and value-added products
  • Business displays from contractors and service providers
  • Island scale approaches to the post-petroleum future:  sustainability, food security and local self-reliance

Contact Krista at or 376-7177 to find out how you can get involved!

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