— from the Funhouse Commons —

The Funhouse Commons Board of Directors announces with great pleasure the hire of Maureen Moran as the organization’s new Executive Director.

Maureen moved from Seattle to Orcas Island with her family in 2016. Her husband, Jim, works on the inter-island run for the Washington State Ferries.  Her two children, Molly (7) and Theo (8 1/2), participate in many Funhouse programs.

Maureen spent over 12 years working as an executive assistant managing offices at the senior executive level at F5 Networks, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Safeco Insurance, and JPMorgan Chase. She brings to the Funhouse excellent communication and organizational skills, administrative and operational management experience, a positive and collaborative nature, and a passion for youth development.  She also brings a background in theater, having directed, produced and performed in numerous productions at various Seattle nonprofit theaters.

Funhouse Board President Abby Rueb says, “We feel Maureen will be a great addition to our already wonderful staff.”

Maureen is excited to work at the Funhouse because she understands and embraces the mission of the organization and how it deeply impacts the island community as a whole. “I am honored and delighted to be part of the Funhouse team, and look forward to taking its successful mission to the next level.”

Her vision for the Funhouse going into the future is to build upon the success of the existing programming, add programs that reach a broader age range, extend the newly remodeled space to welcome and accommodate greater community involvement and participation, and continue to nurture and deepen relationships with Funhouse volunteers, donors, families, and community partners.

Maureen starts her new position on Monday, June 19. The community is invited to contact her at 376-7177 or maureen@thefunhouse.org.