Pain and sorrow, accepted and transformed, perhaps aided by hidden action leads to a deep, passionate appreciation of life.

Here’s my interpretation for what Spirit offers for the coming lunar cycle starting on September 29.

III of Swords

This lunar cycle appears to start with some sorrow. Perhaps something has not gone as you expected. Perhaps you have experienced some pain or sorrow. The guidance I offer here is to not push the pain away but to take it inside yourself where it can be transformed by your courage and love. Acceptance, love, and forgiveness (if you felt pain in response to the actions of another, rather than the action of fate) can transform pain and sorrow into joy, and into an embrace of the experience of life. 






I The Magician (hidden)

I’d like to ask here for a moment to explain. You see, I read the Tarot with three Magicians in the deck. The deck I bought came with two extra cards. And somewhere I read that working with three magicians is a thing some people do. Since the two extra cards are there, I treat them as Magicians. The standard Magician I read as action. The blank card in the deck I read as hidden action. The card with promotional copy I read as action in symbols (like writing or contracts). 

So here we have the hidden Magician. The Magician represents receiving inspiration (from the universe, from within, or by any other means) and transforming it into tangible action in the world. In this case that action appears to be hidden, that is, it takes place outside of public view, or perhaps out of our view. Perhaps someone is taking action for our benefit. That may not always be the case. Perhaps you will be taking hidden action. My sense though is that there will be something taking place behind the scenes.  


Queen of Wands

Having taken sorrow in and transformed it, having perhaps benefitted from something taking place behind the scenes, you may arrive at a deep appreciation of life. You feel warm. You feel passionate. You feel a sexy charge. This is a place of love, both of life and of others. You feel no need to control or dominate. You just love all for who they are. 

I offer the idea that when you approach and experience life this way, with love and a fiery sense of joy, you radiate and resonate with the universe in such a way that it protects you, that it sends you more joy of the type you’re already creating in the world. And in this way you find yourself on an upward spiral. Such a beautiful thing…


I wish you well on your journeys. 


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