Welcome to the Full Moon Tarot column where once a month I work with the Tarot to interpret and offer messages from Spirit. 

VI Wands (Reversed)

I read this reversed card as us embracing a sense of false optimism. We may find that we gloss over our doubt or push it aside and tell ourselves things will be different. The attitude of optimism in the right-side-up version of the card cannot be faked, however. The defeatism we may feel, may become a self-fulfilling prophecy. 






XVII The Star 

After the emotional trouble of the previous card, I sense an experience of inner calm emerging. I see this as a deep, spiritual experience of inner peace. To me this is a card of wholeness, connection, and healing. I see this as a deep experience of the self and of spirit. We pour ourselves, and our creative energy, into universal consciousness, into Spirit, and Spirit pours its energy back into us. We are Spirit joyfully experiencing itself. We may find that we, in this state of calm and connection, are doing the inner work, making the inner connections, which may later fuel our work in the material realm. 





Ace of Pentacles

I see the spiritual work that we’ve done in the previous card enabling us to recognize the magic in the everyday world. This work and this recognition leads us to material abundance: the gifts of nature, wealth, security, and a joyful life. These are gifts from Spirit. We receive them in the gardens of our own making. We may also find that we move beyond this abundance to great knowledge, wisdom, and a sense of our own truth.





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