Maggie Kaplan, local quilting artist and Orcas District Committee member, has been hard at work throughout the COVID-19 pandemic making hundreds of masks for community members and visitors alike. She, along with Orcas Arts & Gifts, and Sherrie Schiff, have successfully given a whopping $15,000 in donations to Orcas Senior Center for the sale of her masks!

With Maggie’s mask-making came an abundance of fabric scraps of which she is now using to make quilts like the one pictured. When Orcas Senior Center re-opens, we will proudly display one of these quilting masterpieces.

San Juan County and the CDC are recommending that people continue to wear masks and social distance even if you have been fully vaccinated, so stock up on Maggie’s masks at Orcas Arts & Gifts at 245 Main Street or from Maggie’s carport at 158 Palisades Drive.

To see the most up-to-date information about COVID-19 and the County’s vaccination efforts, go  to www.sanjuanco.com/1668/2019-Novel-Coronavirus.