
Friend’s Board President Timothy Lunde and Treasurer Lynn Carter hard at work

— from Kathleen Lunde —

Mark your calendars for the annual Friends of the Orcas Island Library Winter Book Sale.

This year’s sale with be on Saturday, March 1st, for 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the public school cafeteria.

The Friends have been busy all fall and winter collecting, sorting, and storing books for this sale. There are books for everyone in the family, and you’ll be sure to find some real gems.

Proceeds from this sale and all other Friends activities go to support the Orcas Island Public Library. This support includes programming for adults and children, author visits, additions to the collection, book clubs, equipment, Sunday hours, and more. This year the Friends have pledged $20,000 toward a badly needed new circulation system, and $100,000 towards the building expansion project. These funds come from generous islanders that donate books, which the Friends then resell.

The Friends group is 143 members strong with a Board of 11. Want to join? Pick up an application at the Library, join online from the Library Homepage (orcaslibrary.org), or sign up when you attend the Book Sale.