Erin O'Dell, Orcas Family Connections Advocate, and her son Forest, with his favorite book, and Pierrette Guimond of the Friends of the Library, choose some other favorite books from the Friends bookshelves at the library.
The Friends of the Library Board will donate a large selection of their best-loved books to the Book Lovers Fair, which kicks-off November as Family Literacy Month.
Gold and orange flyers have been announcing The Book Lovers Fair at the Odd Fellows Hall from 5 to 7 p.m. on Nov. 1, and the best-loved book trade-in where favorite books are traded for coupons to redeem for another book of your choice at the Fair.
Books can be traded for coupons at the Public Library, the Senior Center, and the Chamber of Commerce now. A table will also be at the Island Market on Saturday, Oct. 31 from 1 to 4 p.m. to collect books and give out coupons.
The Friends of the Library has made available books from their collection that recent book lovers have enjoyed. Only books in brand new or very good condition are chosen from all sections — from classics to novels to reference and how-to books — and for all ages in any family.
The Nov. 1 event is planned to be a book browsers delight, according to event conceptualist Donna Laslo. The Book Lovers Fair will offer refreshments and door prizes. People can bring up to five favorite books to the door to exchange for coupons, and even those without any coupons to redeem can still obtain books for a free-will offering. Margie Doyle, Readiness to Learn Coordinator with the Orcas School District, who is organizing the Book Lovers Fair, says, “If you offer a smile or a penny with your free will, that works for us.”
In addition, the following talks and stories will take place:
- Sparks from Orcas Center, with a monologue on “The Love of Reading” at 5:30 p.m.
- Antoinette Botsford, telling stories from her new series based on the Twilight young adult vampire love stories set in Forks, Washington, at 5:45 p.m.
- The Griskey-Watson Family, speaking on “One Family’s Enjoyment of the Harry Potter books” at 6 p.m.
At the Book Lovers Fair, calendars for the Family Literacy events that take place through Nov. 21 will be distributed. Family Literacy Month is sponsored by the Orcas Family Connections and the Orcas Island Library, with funding from the Orcas Island Community Foundation.
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