By Michel Vekved

The Tower at Mount Constitution. Photo courtesy of Martin Taylor

The Tower at Mount Constitution. Photo courtesy of Martin Taylor

To celebrate the Centennial of state parks, Friends of Moran is organizing a photographic birthday event.

Martin Taylor will be flying with Brent McDonald around the Summit of Mt. Constitution at 11 am on March 9th.

Friends of Moran would like everyone to visit the summit at 11 am on March 9th to be a part of the photo which will be sent to Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission (WSPRC) and used in various social media by WSPRC and Friends of Moran.

This celebratory feat will not only wish state parks a Happy 100th birthday but also illustrate how much we love our amazing state park.

Please join us at the Summit Saturday, March 9th at 11 a.m. to show your support and celebrate the state park centennial.

Come early if you can help us hold one of the letters that will spell out Friends of Moran or the birthday banner!