Saturday, September 24, 9 a.m. – noon, San Juan Island Grange

— from Katie Fleming —

Interested in learning more about your shoreline property and how it can help feed salmon, seabirds and orca? Join engineering geologist and shoreline erosion management expert Jim Johannessen of Coastal Geologic Services and nearshore habitat biologist Tina Whitman of Friends of the San Juans for guidance on protecting your shoreline investment into the future.

The free workshop includes: a site visit to a bluff and beach restoration site; a presentation and discussion of successful strategies to evaluate and address key management concerns, including vegetation, runoff, and habitat friendly bank stabilization; site specific information on priority processes, habitats and species; and additional resources for property owners and managers.

The workshop will take place Saturday, September 24 from 9 a.m. to noon at the San Juan Island Grange in Friday Harbor.

Pre-registration is required (space is limited on the boat to the Brown Island field trip site). Interested workshop participants may qualify for free shoreline property evaluations and expert site visits. For more information or to register please call Friends of the San Juans at 360-378-2319 or email