Young Eagles Day on Saturday, June 9

Young Eagle learning to fly, photo courtesy of J. A

Young Eagles Day will be held on Saturday, June 9 from 10 to 1 pm. All children and young people, age 8 to 17, are invited to take a free airplane ride with experienced pilots. The flight takes about 25 minutes.

There will be six pilots volunteering their time and airplanes. Please register at the large hangar to the south of the terminal (the bi-plane hangar). Children must have a parent with them to sign the permission form.

Each child will receive a certificate and a log book to record their flight. Children who have flown before are reminded to bring their logbooks from previous years.

EAA Chapter 937, which sponsors this annual Young Eagles Day, also sponsors the Orcas Fly-In to be held this year on August 3-5. For more information, please contact Dwight Guss at 317-5970.