Many of you know Frank Loudin from his watercolor paintings. It’s possible that at one time or another in your life, unbeknownst to you, a card with one of his paintings passed through your hands. He was quite a sought-after artist in many circles, and his art was reproduced by the thousands by card and reprint companies. Frank also made his living as an architectural artist, creating stunning renderings of corporate buildings, giant ports, and the like. Some of his favorite subjects, though, are scenes of rural life. One of my favorite stories Frank tells is that he happened to be talking to a medium one day who said out of the blue, “Oh by the way, Norman Rockwell is here and he loves your work!”

Frank’s first book was a how-to called Capture the Charm of Your Hometown in Watercolor, with Marcia Spees. These days, he has turned his main focus to writing, and tomorrow he will present his first book of stories, Yarns: Stories From the Way We Were, Based on a Few Actual Facts.

Come on down to Darvill’s Bookstore from 11 a.m. to noonish, where he will unveil the product of a decade-and-a-half of writing and five months of publishing preparation.


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