From Learner Limbach, Director/Program Coordinator- Food Masters, FEAST

FoodMasters members will be building a Cob Oven in the newly expanded garden at the Orcas School. We are planning to have a work party this Sunday, September 9. We will be there at 9 a.m. to begin work on the foundation and we hope to have the entire oven done by the end of the day!

We are very lucky to be blessed with a special guest, James Mujuru, founder and director of the Masangodema Cultural Center in Zimbabwe which focuses on preserving Zimbabwean indigenous culture and passing on the wisdom of our elders to todays youth. Visit this link to read more about James and the Masangodema Cultural Project:

James has studied Cob building and other natural building techniques over the past decade. He will be helping facilitate and build the new oven and will be giving “an introduction and overview of building with cob” free presentation at 11 a.m..

Here is the schedule:

  • 9- Gather and begin building, beginning with foundation
  • 11- James Mujuru’s Free hour long workshop on building with Cob
  • 12- Potluck Lunch

And we’ll continue mixing cob and building the oven after lunch until we are finished! This is a great opportunity for us to work together as a community to build something great for the kids and learn about working with cob! We encourage people to bring a dish to share for our potluck as well and we hope to see you on Sunday!

For more information, call 376-4048 or email