Saturday, June 3, 5:30 p.m., Four Winds Camp

— from Janet Brownell for Orcas Island Education Foundation —

The Orcas Island Education Foundation’s annual fundraiser “Food for Thought” will be held Jun. 3, 5:30 at Four Winds Camp. This year’s theme is “The Wind in Our Sails.” You, the community — our donors, are that wind. Without your gift, we cannot provide the funding needed for programming at our public schools.

Here are some examples of those opportunities: theater in the high school, visual art for all students K-8, dance k-8, applied physics in grades 5 & 6, funding for the 6th grade Nature Bridge trip, a drill press and yoga equipment in the high school, refurbishment of science kits, equipment for Special Ed, funding for the elementary counselor, Farm to Classroom/Cafeteria, and a grant for ELL professional development. That is just a partial list of what you have helped fund this year alone.

Now we need your help for next year. “Food for Thought” raises most of the funding the Orcas Island Education Foundation uses for grants throughout the year. What better way to help than by attending the “Food for Thought” dinner and auction.

Salmon, ribs and a vegetarian option (with lots of side dishes) will be prepared by the Orcas Village Store. The silent and live auction will include fun and unique offerings. There will be a few surprises and we promise you will have a great time! Tickets are $100 and can be purchased at or at the Chamber of Commerce.

We hope you can make it. And thank you for everything you do to support our public schools.