— by Lin McNulty —

OHS Seniors painting the new barn: from left Jake Zier, Braden Smith Melanie Flint,  and William Coe. Photo: Margie Doyle

OHS Seniors painting the new barn: from left Jake Zier, Braden Smith
William Coe and Melanie Flint. Photo: Margie Doyle

Orcas High School Senior Class of 2015 has the first honor of painting the new Senior Barn. For longer than some can remember, the senior classes have, at the start of the school year each Autumn, painted, and decorated, and claimed as their own the older barn seen in the background in the picture above and now historically pictured below.

The Class of 2014 makes a colorful statement after painting the iconic "Senior Barn" on Orcas Road, which greets all visitors and warms the hearts of locals. Photo: Margie Doyle

The Class of 2014 made a colorful statement after painting the iconic “Senior Barn” on Orcas Road last year. Photo: Margie Doyle

The Class of 2014 was the last class to paint that leaning, tipsy old barn which had become a safety hazard. The new barn, just south of the “saggy old” barn, was built this spring.