Orcas Vegan Cookie Exchange
2 – 5 p.m., Sunday, December 5


Come one, come all to the first annual Orcas Vegan Cookie Exchange!  Let’s gather together, celebrate good holiday cheer, and share some delicious vegan treats.

How to make cookies vegan? Vegan means no use of animal products. This includes no meat, dairy milk, eggs, butter, cream, or honey.  It’s easy to replace dairy butter with Earth Balance or Miyoko’s non-dairy butter, substitute plant-based milk like almond or oat, and replace eggs with ground flax seed, aquafaba, or other vegan egg replacers.

Please note this event requires that masks be on at all times while indoors.  Visit the links below to RSVP and see more details on masking for this event, what to bring, and a handy list of accidental vegan store-bought cookies for those who prefer to skip the baking!

Eventbrite – https://www.eventbrite.com/e/orcas-vegan-cookie-exchange-tickets-213086366057

Facebook – https://fb.me/e/1q521u2mE