Monday, April 15, 5:30 p.m., Eastsound Fire Station

San Juan County Fire Commissioners District #2 will meet tomorrow in a regularly scheduled meeting. Following is the agenda:

Call to Order 

Welcome and Introductions 

Additions or modifications to the agenda 

Public Comment 


  • April 5, 2019 – Special Meeting 


Chief’s Report

  • March 2019 

Committee Reports 

  • Finance Committee – Commissioner Fuller and Commissioner Montague 
  • Union Negotiation Committee – Commissioner Fuller and Commissioner Montague 
  • Strategic Planning Committee – Commissioner Helminski and Commissioner Christmas 
  • Policy Committee – Commissioner Fuller and Commissioner Helminski 

New Business 

Old Business 

  1. Ambulance Purchasing – Chief Williams 
  1. Codan Radio – Chief Williams and Commissioner Christmas 
  1. Vacant Secretary position plan of action 

Executive Session 

Pursuant to RCW 42.30.110:  The Commissioners will adjourn to executive session to evaluate the performance of a public employee. 


The next regular BOFC Meeting will be held on Monday, May 20, 2019 at 5:30pm 

Commissioners will be signing documents prior to the adjournment of the meeting. 
