Maxx Jones’ Severance and Chief Harris’ Replacement Discussed at June 14 Meeting

By Ken Brown

The Orcas Island Board of Fire Commissioners began their June 14 meeting with a discussion of the Department of Natural Resources agreement. This agreement delineates who is in charge and what constitutes a Fire Department fire versus a natural resources fire. Commissioner Jim Coffin described the agreement as “straight-forward.” The Sheriff’s office, which oversees dispatch services, is in agreement with the budget proposed in the agreement, which was approved by the Fire Commissioners.

It was reported that Fire Station #24 in Deer Harbor is in its final stages of construction. Dwight Guss explained that the apparatus bay is 99 percent done. Responding out of the station has begun. The lift pump station is installed, six feet of fiberglass with top has been plumbed into the drain system. A rain catchment system will be utilized as domestic water is not an option. Excavators have completed their work. The propane tanks have been buried. Driveways are done and the drain field is in.

Landscaping is next. Carol McCoy reported on plans to include more fencing because water is an issue. Plantings will be carefully selected. Commissioner Clyde Duke reported that contractors Wellman and Zuck will receive their retainer and final payment after a walk-through and a final building inspection is completed.

The Finance Committee reported that it is moving forward on the 2011-2016 Strategic plan. Commissioner Barbara Bedell said a draft document has been prepared. She stated that the attendance at the workshop on communication was excellent and the communication draft is also moving forward. The orientation handbook for new Fire Department staff is under way as well noted Commissioner Duke.

Commissioner Coffin singled out Valerie Harris for praise for the excellent presentation about the Fire Department on display at the Orcas Center.

The separation agreement of longtime Public Information Officer Maxx Jones then came before the board for consideration. Jones has filed a $40,000 claim seeking overtime compensation. After consideration from outside counsel, the commissioners drafted a separation agreement that was signed by Jones. This measure will avoid future litigation, according to Commissioner Coffin. This separation agreement was unanimously approved.

Deputy Fire Marshal Paul Turner introduced discussion about the Fire Marshal’s Interlocal Agreement. He emphasized how important this agreement is to homeowners. Without a Fire Marshal’s office there would be a $200-$400 increase in every property owners’ insurance policy. The issue at hand is the administration of the office. “District #3 wants out” stated Turner. The business office would move here to Eastsound.

Tucker went on to say that $15,000-$20,000 in fees for use of the Fire Marshal Program from each district have gone uncollected. The last time a payment was received was three years ago; there needs to be an agreement in place for all participating districts.

If Fire District #2 takes over there is control and we can pay ourselves first stated Chief Harris. It serves the interest of Orcas Island residents to get this signed and approved.

Commissioner Duke stated that Orcas Island cannot underwrite the entire county. “There is a huge financial incentive to make this work.” Duke requested a working session to tackle just this agreement. Turner concluded by stating “We have to have a document that states [there will be] no interference from the county. The public is unaware of the controversy surrounding the Fire Marshal Program.”

Bedell reported next on the plan for the eventual succession of Chief Harris. Discussion ensued about the importance of a smooth transition. Chief Harris was asked to draft a step-by-step plan that will include contracting him as a consultant to train the incoming Chief.

Public comments were requested. Pierette Guimond asked for clarification in regards to severance for Maxx Jones. She wondered if the amount is public record. The commissioners determined it was a matter of public record and the severance amount will be made available.

The meeting adjourned for a closed executive session to discuss employee performance.

Upcoming events are as follows:
The Fire Fighters Association will sponsor a Pancake Breakfast on July 2.
The next regular meeting of the Fire Commissioners will be July 12.

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