By Margie Doyle

At the Nov. 12 meeting, Orcas Fire and Rescue Commissioners Barbara Bedell, Jim Coffin and Clyde Duke (participating by teleconference) approved the 2013 budget of $2,902,220.

The 2013 budget includes $301,000 carried forward from 2012’s capital projects. Estimated 2013 revenue is $2,103,100, according to the budget prepared by Financial Officer Rick Anda.

At the Oct. 23  Orcas Fire and Rescue District meeting, the budget projected  an operating budget of $1, 619,723 and revenues of $2, 103,000. Following a discussion at that meeting, the District Commissioners decided to direct $50,000 of that budget toward increased health and wellness benefits for District staff and volunteers, Trained Firefighters and EMTs.

The Commissioners,  Chief O’Brien and Anda then revised the health and wellness medical incentive program to reflect their decision, which then created the $1,587,053 operating budget for 2013.

The Fire and Rescue District has paid off its 14-year bond in full in 2012,  a year early.

In related news, Financial Officer Anda is retiring next month, and the District is searching for his replacement.