Over-budget revenue will go to reserve fund and benefit volunteers

By Margie Doyle

At the Oct. 23  Orcas Fire and Rescue District meeting,  Commissioner Clyde Duke proposed that next year,  the District operate on the same amount of funds as in the 2012 budget  — $1, 524,000 — and dedicate the remaining 2012 revenue, about $96,000 — to the Reserve Fund with the stipulation that $50,000  will be dedicated for increased health and wellness benefits for District Volunteers.

The budget, presented earlier this month, projected an operating budget of $1, 619,723 with projected revenues of $2, 103,000. The 2012 operations budget was $1,524,053, and budget revenue for 2012 is $2,059,600.

Commissioner Clyde Duke opened the discussion by suggesting that the district hold to a zero increase in the operations budget, instead of the $96,000 increase proposed in the first draft of the 2013 budget.  Citing the district’s performance in operating under-budget in recent years, Duke said, “We need to show our community some willingness to pull it in.” Later he added, ‘if we keep beating the bar, I’d like to see the money paid forward. Our role is to govern and give the Chief the ability to maneuver within the budget.”

Financial Officer Rick Anda, who participated by telephone, said, “If we hold the budget as $1, 524,000 (the same as 2012) ….then $96,080 would go to the reserve capital budget.”

Duke pointed out that if there is an emergency requiring funds, “We have the reserve there to do it. ”

He also emphasized that “We need to figure out a way to support our volunteers in a meaningful way.” He proposed adding medical coverage to the volunteers.

Fire and Rescue Chief Kevin O’Brien noted that health benefits for district staff are standard state-wide and added, “We definitely want to make sure our volunteers are taken care of.”

In the ensuing discussion it was determined that the cleanest and most expedient way of acting on that intent was to increase the medical reimbursements by $50,000to be disbursed among paid staff and volunteers.

The Commissioners then directed Chief O’Brien and Anda to revise the health and wellness medical incentive program to reflect that decision. They decided to continue the discussion at an extra meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 30 at 6:30 p.m. to approve that detail of what would then be a $1,574,053 operating budget for 2013.