Friday, December 27, 2019 1 p.m., Eastsound Fire Station

— from Kim Kimple for Orcas Island Fire and Rescue —

Commissioners: Tim Fuller (Chair), Janet Marlow, Jim Helminski, Wesley Heinmiller, Rick Christmas; Chief Scott Williams; District Secretary Kimberley Kimple, Orcas Island Fire and Rescue staff, and the community.

Welcome and Introduction

Additions or Modifications to the Agenda

Public Comment

Executive Session
RCW 42.30.140(4)(a) – Union contract and grievance
RCW 42.30.140(4)(a) Collective bargaining sessions with employee organizations, including contract negotiations, grievance meetings, and discussions relating to the interpretation or application of a labor agreement; or (b) that portion of a meeting during which the governing body is planning or adopting the strategy or position to be taken by the governing body during the course of any collective bargaining, professional negotiations, or grievance or mediation proceedings, or reviewing the proposals made in the negotiations or proceedings while in progress.

Strategic Planning Direction

The next regular BOFC meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 21st, 2020 at 5:30pm