— from Paul Kamin —

What…a Bridge to Indian Island, a Marina in Fishing Bay and a “Grand Canal” between Crescent Beach and North Beach?

The Eastsound Planning and Review Committee Meeting was packed Thursday afternoon with Orcas Islanders worried about Bridges and Canals. No such plans are on the horizon, so where did all the concern come from?

The source of the Bridge, Marina and Canal concepts was a document titled “Seeking a Vision for Eastsound An invitation to engage”. This document can be found at (www.orcaslibrary.org/docs/vision4eastsound.pdf)

Indeed the document includes a wide range of ideas, specifically included to stimulate discussion, and engagement. On that front, it seems to have been quite successful. Through multiple public meetings over 100 people have “engaged” in considering what Eastsound will look like in 2035 and beyond. Seeking a Vision for Eastsound features dozens of “idea sketches” including those below:

The introduction of this 200 page report included the following “The task group is not advocating for any particular ideas, but rather has viewed its responsibility as one of illustrator of stakeholder ideas and possible consequences. The Group hopes that seeing and understanding these ideas will spawn even better ones.”

County Council Chairman Rick Hughes was present at the February 2nd EPRC meeting and confirmed that the Canal, Bridge and Marina were NOT in any County planning initiatives.

However, this is the time to engage in the process of considering the future of Eastsound. Dozens of volunteers are working on developing a vision for Eastsound that will be incorporated into the County’s process of updating the Eastsound Sub-Area Plan and County Comprehensive plan. It is exciting to think that residents of Orcas Island are being provided the opportunity to participate in crafting the vision, goals, and policies that will shape the future of “our village”.

In 2035 there will not be a bridge to Indian Island or a Canal dividing Orcas into Eastside-Westside. But what will Eastsound look like? Now is the time to be a part of charting this course. The Eastsound Planning and Review Committee will soon be offering additional opportunities to participate in this planning process. This is our chance, stay tuned, and engage.

“Discourse and critical thinking are essential tools when it comes to securing progress in a democratic society. But in the end, unity and engaged participation are what make it happen.”
― Aberjhani, American Veteran, historian, columnist, novelist, poet, and editor