from Madie Murray

The Orcas Island Farm to Cafeteria Program has put together an innovative and exciting way for you to keep the school garden a vibrant outdoor classroom and healthy, fresh local foods in our school meals! 

The Farm to Cafeteria crowd-funding theme

The Farm to Cafeteria crowd-funding theme

Crowd-funding is a new Internet-based way of supporting projects such as non-profit fundraisers…no event to get dressed up for, no silent auctions to miss out on, no cost to attend and anyone, anywhere can participate!  It also creates a platform to explain completely why the funds are being raised and how they will be used.

The Farm to Cafeteria crowd-funder has an added incentive.  If we reach our goal, a remarkable group of community donors will match it…so every dollar you give will equal two!

But we can’t do it without YOU! 

It’s simple, it’s painless and it’s fun.  Just click on this link, pick a perk level that feels good for you, and it’s done!  You can donate anonymously if you wish – and your donations are tax deductible as your receipt will be from the Orcas Island Education Foundation.

Then – and this is very important – share our fundraiser via your email lists and/or FaceBook page with family and friends that you feel would like to help make this fundraiser a success for our kids!   It doesn’t matter where they live because what is so wonderful about crowd-funding is that anyone, anywhere can help us reach our goal.

If we get enough people to donate just $10, we will reach our goal!