Richard Fadem will offer a literature class from late February through March at the Senior Center, Thursdays from 10-12:30.

The class will explore the works of Julian Barnes, Franz Kafka and J.M. Coetzee through their works, respectively,  The Sense of an Ending (2011); “A Report to an Academy” (1917); Elizabeth Costello (2003).

The Julian Barnes novel, which won the Booker prize, takes its title from an important work of literary criticism by Frank Kermode and is short and powerful. The little Kafka story is Kafkaesque, an inversion of The Metamorphosis. We’re reading it because the novel Elizabeth Costello, by the Nobel prize-winning author J. M. Coetzee, dwells with Coetzee’s subtle intelligence upon matters of life and death.

Details about dates, registration and fee will be announced in January. Books will be available at Darvill’s Bookstore, and participants will be expected to have read these works before class.

All are welcome!