— from Paul Kamin —


Eastsound Water Users Association (EWUA) would like to thank those members who have made efforts to reduce water use after our July 11 appeal to reduce outdoor water use. There was a noticeable and helpful reduction in the demand for water last week. After an early summer of concern about the sustainability of our rapidly rising water use, we have some good news to report.


  • Demand for the week of July 11-18 was 141 GPM in the “Village Zone”. This is a
    significant reduction from previous weeks that were over 160 GPM. GOOD NEWS
  • Purdue Reservoir is at 16.6 ft. Purdue is 50% of EWUA’s overall capacity. Purdue is full
    at 20’, beyond 20’ the lake overflows. The current level of the drawdown of Purdue is
    within EWUA’s sustainable projections for this year’s drought. GOOD NEWS
  • EWUA had no trouble this week maintaining full water tank levels system-wide. GOOD
  • This week EWUA completed an update of water levels at our well sites. Data from our
    groundwater monitoring network shows near normal water levels in the Eastsound Aquifer.

CLICK HERE to view the full report.